$ whoami
Marco Roda, maker and DIY electronics enthusiast from Portugal. All sports lover, father of a little girl and currently working as a GNSS engineer. Love space and all about rocket science. |
$ uname -a
Embedded Systems and Electronics in general passionate. Love to dig into embedded Linux development on general purpose single board computers; Connect devices to the internet: ESP8266/ESP32, LoRa or SigFox; SDR prototyping with open HW and SW HackRF One board from Great Scott Gadgets, and more.
Fields of interest:
- Embedded Linux development (Buildroot, Yocto and Petalinux)
- GNSS digital signal processing and navigation message decoding techniques.
- LoRA, Sigfox
- SoC Xilinx FPGAs Zynq-7000
- ARM Cortex-M0/M4/M7
Dev Boards and platforms experience:
- SAMV71 Xplaine dUltra
- STM32F7 Discovery
- BeagleBone Black
- RaspberyPi 3
- Xilinx Zynq ZC706
- Zedboard, Zybo
- Arduino